Vrch AI
Spatial Interactive System
可部署到各种数字大屏、全息投影、多媒体建筑装置或 AR、VR 等空间计算设备
A general purpose spatial interactive system for building future immersive experiences
with multimodal AI to observe the people’s activities and automatically generate digital content to augment the space.
Highly optimized for fast real-time generation with fine-tuned reasoning skills to predict people’s spatial expectations.
Core Products
Vrch Elements
基于 Vrch AI 的空间交互通用“前端“框架及常用组件,通过多模态人工智能观察空间中的人类活动,以实时推理生成适配的数字体验内容。已研发的空间元素包括门、窗、桌、展柜等可直接部署。
The standard interactive elements based on Vrch AI includes windows, tables and showcases which are ready for direct implementations.
Use Cases
About Us
Vrch.io 未亓科技是一个由先锋建筑师、数字艺术家及 AI 工程师组建的跨界研发团队,致力于应用生成式人工智能构建穿越虚实的空间体验。公司最早由建筑背景数字艺术家谢明炫在伦敦创立,并由陆奇博士的奇绩创坛孵化。Vrch.io 通过多模态人工智能模型实时感知人类活动与空间状态来生成个性化的数字体验,让空间变得“有灵”。该系统已经在各大美术馆、文创园区、品牌空间、表演现场及沉浸式体验项目中落地运用。我们希望与各届合作文化艺术展览、创意活动与沉浸式体验,逐渐实现能够自主响应并与使用者产生共鸣的“有灵建筑”。欢迎您联系我们一起探索。
Vrch.io is an interdisciplinary research and development team composed of architects, digital artists, and AI engineers, dedicated to using generative AI to create spatial experiences that transcend reality and virtuality. The company was initially founded in London by digital artist Mingxuan Xie, who has an architectural background, and was incubated and invested by MiraclePlus (former YC China). Vrch.io leverages multimodal AI models to perceive human activities and emotional states in real-time to generate personalised digital experiences, making the space ‘sentient’. The system has already been implemented in major art museums, cultural parks, performance venues, and immersive experience projects. We aim to collaborate on cultural exhibitions, creative activities, and immersive experiences to gradually realise "sentient architecture" that autonomously respond to and resonate with users. We invite you to explore with us.
Shanghai Weiqi Technology Co., Ltd.
A6-8F, Caohejing Modern Service Park,
1528 Gumei Road, Xuhui District,
Shanghai CN